Henbane Original Pen and Ink Illustration

Henbane Original Pen and Ink Illustration


A celebration of the turning world, conjured into being with meticulous detail, dot by dot.
5x7” pen and ink on archival paper


Henbane, also known as hog-bean, has been used as a ritual plant for centuries. Used medicinally as an ancient pain reliever and swelling reducer, it also has psychoactive compounds that have led to its use for inducing trance-like states to communicate with the divine. These applications are topical only, as ingesting any part of the plant causes significant illness. Only pigs are immune to its effects, leading some to consider her under the auspices of Persephone.

As with many of our witches’ weeds, the dichotomy of medicinal and poisonous constituents illustrates the light that is found within darkness. As with all things underworld, we descend in order to find the truth within ourselves.

Henbane is a powerful ancient ally, holding our hand and guiding our spirit through the season’s transition.

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