Mandrake Original Pen and Ink Illustration

Mandrake Original Pen and Ink Illustration


A celebration of the turning world, conjured into being with meticulous detail, dot by dot.
5x7” pen and ink on archival paper


This enigmatic plant has plenty of lore surrounding it. Tales have been told of its use in witches’ flying ointment, as an ancient fertility amulet, and even a scream so bloodcurdling that the root must be dug in a very specific way so as not to ruin whoever may hear it.

Mandrake, and the range of stories it provokes within us, reminds us of the power of myth, of ritual, and of our own minds’ ability to make the impossible, possible. To make the invisible visible.

Mandrake is yet another guide for our spirit, inviting us to consider our own superstitions, our own judgments and the stories we tell ourselves about the world around us.

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